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Uber Sani-Sim Toilet

Not only does this magnificent porcelain throne self-clean, automatically flush, and lift the seat for your Sim, you will not believe your ears as it sways your Sim with music! Just when you thought it couldn't get a... View Item>

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467 SimPoints
136 SimPoints

Morocco Mystique

No need to book a trip to claim these beautiful treasures from a far away land. Intricate wood carvings and tile work from this collection will turn any home into an oasis!

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Storybook Bathroom Set

Transform your bathroom into an enchanted washroom with these lovely items that look like they’ve been pulled directly from a storybook, and let your Sims go to the bathroom happily ever...

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Serenity Retreat

Rejuvenate your body and soul with a relaxing sojourn to Serenity Retreat! Submerge in the tranquil waters, be enchanted by the lush gardens, or lay back, relax and enjoy a full array of...

They Don't Build em' Like They Used To Fireplace

Are the chickens and horses lonely on your Sim's farm? Enter the Farm Fresh Folk Set with the Milkin' It Dairy Corral and your problems are solved! In addition to cows (YES, COWS!),...